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Produced by Guitar MAX and featuring virtuoso guitarist Deakon Lekross!

Ultimate Picking Techniques: From Fundamentals To Mastery is the pinnacle of guitar picking technique instructional programs!


A guitarist can learn every scale, every arpeggio, every chord... but all that knowledge is worthless without a rock solid picking technique. 


This program is perfect for aspiring rock, metal, shred, or progressive guitarists, but is equally well suited for advanced guitarists that want to clean up their technique or expand their skill set.



This comprehensive program covers:

- Alternate Picking

- Economy Picking

- Sweep Picking (including 3 string, 5 string, and 6 string sweeping)

- and Hybrid Picking! (most programs overlook this!)



This program will not just show you licks and sequences, but will actually teach you how to develop these different techniques. This program will take you from the basic skills all the way to advanced forms of each picking technique.



This program can be streamed or downloaded, and includes FULL TABs of all exercises and an extended backing track!


This program will help set you apart from mediocre guitarists who are satisfied with sloppy, half-assed picking. Don't just be an OK guitarist, become a true master of the instrument.


Sign up today, and build the picking skills that you've always wanted!



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